Because my posts contain so many forceful words, we could start this one with something less forceful. According to Wikipedia's Singaporean Sexual Slang page, "Carry balls" translated into impeccable English is "sycophant." DUDE HAVE YOU EVEN HEARD OF THAT WORD MAN??? It's like an SAT word. WTF??? So next time you're friend is trying to s*** your boss's c****, you can say "You're a s...s....syc...sycof...fant!" and make it sound like you're a lot smarter. Also, Indian swear words are quite violent. Instead of saying "balls to you!", they have an English equivalent which goes "Destruction of one's testicles." That's quite a mouthful to be yelling when you wanna make someone punch you first so that it looks like you're the victim. I learnt in my AP Lit class that word selection is very important. Like if you want something forceful, choose things with C's, K's, T's, P's... things like that. Sharp phonetic words. F**K, SH*T, PISS. See how they all have C's, K's, T's and P's? This might sound like I'm having issues, but I'm just analyzing the linguistics of swear words.
I dedicate this post to my friend Marc, who decided to cheer me up by directing me to the Wikipedia Singapore sexual slang page. Amen.
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