Promise me tomorrow starts with you getting high.
I felt really young tonight. Ok. Maybe it was due to the fact that i was hanging out with these girls that were 1-2 years younger than I was. It was nice though. The whole "old fogey with nothing better to do in life than stay online or watch tv or sleep because working 100hrs/week has jaded him" feeling is subdued. Or WAS subdued. Temporarily. It's seeping back in.

This is Olivia. She used to go to SAS but now goes to UBC. I've seen her around at school before, but never really said hi.... because.... yea. I don't know. She's 2 years younger than me and as a Senior in HS, you just didn't say hi to Sophomores. (yeayea typical HS bullsh*t but you know, we were all once young and foolish.) Unless of course you wanted to take em out to dinner or a movie or something and be more than friends. But anyways, this isn't the point. I was in the lobby of the American Club (after the Alumni thingy) and sat down next to her. We randomly strike up a conversation, and she tells me about her school, and people and things like that, like what she's studying. And I tell her about how f*cked up NS was cos of the work hours (I think it's just my unit man). The point is, it's nice to talk to people who can tell you about themselves without you having to ask a million questions and waiting for the right time because you're afraid of an awkward moment or interrupting the other person? There's a very fine line between confidence and arrogance, introducing oneself and being self-absorbed. I didn't even know this girl, but.. we had a very nice conversation. Good flow. No need for questions, just statements that were interesting. I think we lack that in Singapore. Random people just being nice to each other.
The next time you go to Burger King, MickyDees, KFC, Taco Bell or any other fast food place (I think that's all of them just listed right there), and come across a senior citizen at the counter serving you, or cleaning the place up, be nice to them? Random acts of general courtesy, I say again, GENERAL COURTESY really brightens up people's days. These 'old' (that's a relative term therefore in apostrophes) people aren't even supposed to be working. Just a simple Hi would do. I'd go for a "good morning/afternoon/evening". Say please. And most importantly, say Thank You. Appreciate these people for who they are. They don't owe you a f*cking living. The customer is always right, but the customer does not have to be an obnoxious b*st*rd. I'm sure you feel real good if someone said a simple Thanks rather than just take your kindness for granted. (You DO help people, right?)
Ok those two points did not necessarily link, but hey I'm just ranting some sh*t off the top of my head. Isn't that the point of a blog? I'm not writing a f*cking essay or anything right? If you want some essays, you could always go to school, or read some journals instead of this. if this sounds fruity to you, or you think I'm some kinda tree-hugger. GO F*CK YOURSELF. NARCISSISTIC B*ST*RD.
PS. I'm not a very courteous driver. And I don't try to be. So if you see me on the road, feel free to blast me with your horn or maybe perform an act of general courtesy. Things could change. I think I am selective with my courtesy and respect. I apologise for my shortcomings.
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