The Quiet Mind
Central Stacks at the Library:

This picture was taken at about 1130hrs. I was looking for my book, and it just so happened that it was tucked away in an unlit aisle. Wtf right? The ceiling was just 2 inches above my head, and the aisles were about a foot wide apart. The perfect place for a murder to happen. CENTRE DAILY TIMES: Singaporean student killed while trying to find book on peace. F***! That would suck. I also heard over dinner that someone was actually killed there before. In the 70's or something. With an icepick. Think: Basic Instinct kinda ice pick.
So I wake up at 10, after sleeping at 4am, to go to the library. I wanted to borrow this book called "The Quiet Mind". Written by an ex-CIA agent who went all over Asia searching for inner peace. So far I'm at Chapter 3, which deals with ESP, and Thai Buddhism in the previous chapters. I think this religion shit is driving me nuts. It's making me search for 'enlightenment', 'liberation' or whatever you want to call that inner peace and oneness with the universe. I think it would be nice to see reality as it is, and not for what it appears to be. It would be good not to strive for material wants, but rather to be at peace with yourself instead of being stuck in the quest for 'happiness'.
Am I abandoning life as we know it? No, of course not. I'd just like to see the world in a different light. I am neither praising the existence or need for religion, nor condemning it, but rather intrigued by its words and motives/goals.
Question from marc (at 0245hrs +8 GMT): Do two extremes of a 'thing' need to exist in order for there to be a contrast between the two? eg. Good/bad
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