Crazy people don't know they're crazy. And I'm perfectly fine.

This blog was created out of complete boredom and psychosis. According to the School Sargeant Major (SSM) of the Officer Cadet School of the Singapore Armed Forces, 'psychosis' is characterized by 'a sudden rush of shit to the brain'. My Assistant-Wing Sargeant Major, however, calls it 'shitalitis'. Both describe the same thing.

Monday, March 13, 2006

The long hiatus

I apologise to my readers for the abrupt quietness on my blog for the past 3 weeks or so. It was due to these evil things called midterms, which seem small, but in a large scale affect my future. Rox thinks they're really easy. Well, they're not hard. But NS fucks w/your mind and makes it work just a tad slower. So... it's semi-hard.

I will post shit abt my Boston trip tomorrow when I am more coherent.


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