Retrograde motion in progress

Yea.... it's been a while. It HAS been a while. Let's see where we've been in the past few months, starting from the last blog post. According to Google Calendars, I was raped with fucking midterms until Tax Day, after which two projects were due. In the meantime however, I was probably too drunk to come blog.
I know I've bitched numerous times (understatement) about how I resent binge drinking. But I have to admit that the 8 or so weeks left in the semester were filled with exactly that. Thursday, Friday, Saturday nights. Maybe squeeze in a pint or two during the week to unwind. All in all I probably spent about $80 a week drinking? That doesn't sound like very much, but in a town where a drink is only $2, that sorta is. I guess I found some good friends who, despite having fun with when I was pretty much drunk as shit, I could have a good time with when I wasn't either. So is it the company you keep? And does alcohol help you make friends you keep for life through "nights you won't remember but memories that last forever"? (Some shit like that. It didn't make any fucking sense to me so I didn't bother noting it down well.)
I guess it was good just to do it all over again. An ex-boss of mine said this shit comes in phases. You go out like a maniac, become a hermit, then go out like a maniac, and when it's all said and done and some girl has managed to keep you at home... then uh.... I guess you're stuck home. Thank god I'm not there yet. Perhaps never.
So... back in Sillypore for the summer. It's nice to be back. Al fresco dining/drinking. No crowds and rowdy bullshit, if you know where to go. But then shit gets a little mundane. I mean, I guess it's cos it's quite expensive to party here. You're easily dropping 100 a night, and when you've got a next-to-nothing income, that's shite. Oh well, city living. Gotta love it.
This post sounds fucking boring cos I am in fact, bored outta my fucking mind. Kinda been thinkin about where the hell I'm going to live when I graduate next year. I mean, there's no way in hell I'm moving back. Within the first few days back, I found so many things to complain about. And it was mostly about the culture and the way people are here. I just, can't take it anymore? I guess you sorta grow fond of the way how Americans are friendly on the street. (Though you do get the occasional arse.) Here it's all about getting ahead. Not giving way on the roads, subway, or the fucking elevator. I tried not to drive for two to three weeks, until my dad coerced me to use the car. Within 5 days my blood pressure had gone up, and I was on a honking spree. "THESE MOTHERFUCKERSSSSSSSSS!!!!!" I don't know man. Where would be a good place to go? Let's just hope I can get a job in the good ol USA, so I can get that Aston DB9. (For the same price, you couldn't even buy a fucking BMW Coupe here.)
So for now, I'm just waiting till summer's over so I can go back and get on with the liver damage.
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