The Entitlement of Happiness
I'm back on Facebook. Why? Because Adriel the King of Wastrels invited me to join a group that's invite only, and features include : Restaurant websites, discussions on how to spend more money that you do NOT have, drinks and golf and the good life. No, really. That is why I rejoined facebook. I'm glad I haven't become re-addicted to it.
The recent weeks have sucked balls. I mean, really sucked balls. I repeat, SUCKED BALLS. Things going on w/the family - Aunt in the hospital, Mom asking me about my sis' college options, Dad asking me about bro's army plans - and then exams... and other bullshit going on here and there. Made me wonder why my life at college is so miserable. I mean, why does everything have to happen ALL AT ONE GO? (though sometimes a lot of pain at once is better than constant pain)
I haven't been truly happy for quite a while, to be honest. I mean, yea I have a fucking ball w/the guys... at Hacienda, on the golf course, at MoS/Zouk. But those are just brief moments of euphoria, of joy, and drunken wild abandon. How about true happiness? Waking up in the morning knowing that you're loved, that life has a purpose, and even though tomorrow might be a terrible day, you don't give a flying fuck because deep down inside, you're pleased and satisfied with the way things are. And it calms you.
So are we, as human beings, entitled to happiness? Do we deserve to be happy at least ONCE in our lives?? Is it our given right, just because we're alive, to be able to experience this... thing we like to call happiness - knowing in the back of your mind that it'll be okay, and that life at the moment is the best thing there is? I asked Marc.. and he said no. I think I agree.
I guess a ton of people are born into poverty, broken homes, no homes, bad living conditions, bad social conditions... etc. Will they ever be happy? For some reason I feel that kids in rural areas find happiness in their own way. Perhaps they haven't understood the complexities of life yet. And maybe that's the reason people who live in remote areas are so happy. Their lives are simple. But back to the question... I don't think happiness really falls into people's laps. Or from the sky. Or whatever. I think it's a state of mind that has to be consciously achieved. To be satisfied with what you have, then appreciate it to realize its true value. And then again.. sometimes I think karma's got a huge part to play in it. Do bad, and you get bad shit. Do good, and you'll get... fun stuff.
Some people live their whole lives in misery. Sometimes it could be by choice, sometimes not. You can't really choose what you want to feel all the time. Otherwise we'd be a pack of fucked up cold blooded animals. Or robots. Like Bender in Futurama. (Been watching too much late night tv/cartoon reruns.)
I understand what your saying
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