Crazy people don't know they're crazy. And I'm perfectly fine.

This blog was created out of complete boredom and psychosis. According to the School Sargeant Major (SSM) of the Officer Cadet School of the Singapore Armed Forces, 'psychosis' is characterized by 'a sudden rush of shit to the brain'. My Assistant-Wing Sargeant Major, however, calls it 'shitalitis'. Both describe the same thing.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Brain.... P....a...i.....n.....

The boredom is simply overwhelming. Never try to study math and chem on a Friday morning. It just... doesn't work that way.
Hmm.. ya know.. This is weird. I once refused to try this blogging junx because I thought ... "why in the f*ckin world would you wanna type out your life on the internet?". And look at me now, I'm like posting something every 10 mins. NOW I know what the heck this is all about. An outlet for verbal diarrhea. Mental diarrhea perhaps? So, with the "spirit of the blogger" in me. I shall continue to entertain those who visit this page in search of Pulitzer Prize grade literature. Do feel free to post comments. It would be most delightful to see what other people think. There's always room for improvement.

How's this for starters:

Altruism. Does it exist? Doing something for nothing? (ARE YOU F*CKING OUT OF YOUR MIND? SUBJECTING YOURSELF TO SLAVERY??) Not exactly.

I for one believe it does. Imagine for a moment that you were walking along the street, and a child who was running trips and falls at your feet. Would it be instictive to pick the child up, or even make a dash to try and grab him/her before he/she hit the ground? If you answered yes, then there is altruism. Not perpetual, but hey, it exists right? If you answered no, may you dream of mr.satan (as mentioned below) and burn in hell for eternity. I understand that there could be legal complications if the child's parent is a total f***wit and decides to sue you on grounds that you hurt the child. But if that happens...... RUNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!

And, would you help your friend for nothing in return? I'm sure you would. RIGHT?

Come, people. Share your thoughts.


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