Happy St.Patrick's Day!! (review)

So, wtf is St.Patrick's day? I don't know. But the general holiday description is just to drink. Drink Green Beer, eat Green potatoes, Green this green that everything green. Awesome shiet. There's this bar called The Phyrst that opened at 5:30am and the first 1000 people got free hats and .... something. I think beads or whatever - the Mardi Gras type. And then.. yea. It was just crazy.
Woke up, had a shot for breakfast.. cos as I was brushing my teeth, this kid down the hall asks me if I want one, and I'm like .. "no." But he goes "you know you do." And then my mind said yes. F*CK!..... And thus began the drinking day at 10am. Drink drink drink.... till class ended at almost 5. Then came back to my room to pass out. Fell asleep from 6-8. Then got up and wanted to see Memoirs of a Geisha.
Remember the daughter of the LTC in the USMC? Well yea, it was her birthday. So... we went out! WOO HOO! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEIGH ANNE!
Dancing..... ish.

Disco balls w/Leigh Anne's best friend!

Um... It was supposed to include the disco balls too I think.

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