The Last Day of Freshman Year
Currently listening to: Deadringer
Okay, well it's not really the LAST day. I still have an exam on Wednesday. But still. Last day of classes. I woke up at 12, without a hangover surprisingly - after an awesome night last night. Let's not elaborate.
Anyways... it's weird that school's over. And I'll be home in a while. Helped V pack all his shit up and move it into his car with his parents. I gave him my bottle opener; which is basically a Heineken bottle that I drained. I never wanted to buy a bottle opener cos it's... a little clunky I guess. I'd probably lose it. And hey, it's a good trick to show people that you can open a beer bottle with another. Signs of a true alcoholic. So anyways, I wrote a message on the bottle:
To: V for Vikash (the V drawn with the circle around it, a la Vendetta)
The closest family I got 30,000 miles from home.
-PSU 006
-BA 241
-ENG 015A
Love ya Bro.
It's nice to find someone you can talk to, and also have comfortable silence with. According to him, I'm just like his brother who goes to BC. His name's Akash, and he's a junior. Weirdly enough, I should be a junior, so we're practically the same age. He told me it was good that we met, because I'd help to keep him in line and out of trouble. It makes me think about Gab. Somehow I feel that I spent a lot of time hanging out with my friends, with Bre, studying, and cycling/exercising that I never really talked to him a lot. It's never too late to start being his friend I suppose. I just wanna be there when he graduates, when he goes to NS, and when he's done with NS and going to college. Not to be a bitch and whip him into shape, but just to make sure he becomes the best person he can and the person he wants to be.
So the semester flew by. Like THAT. It was just yesterday that I moved into my dorm room, thinking "what the flying F. this is so small!"... then getting used to it. I thought I had nothing to put into all the shelves and spaces. But I was wrong. Now My place is just packed with s***. I have no idea how I'm gonna bring all that home. Haha.