FLAMBOYANT (often capitalized, just like NOW.)
Main Entry: 1flam·boy·ant
Pronunciation: -&nt
Function: adjective
Etymology: French, from present participle of flamboyer to flame, from Old French, from flambe
1 often capitalized : characterized by waving curves suggesting flames
2 : marked by or given to strikingly elaborate or colorful display or behavior
So, Gayboy comes online and he tells me that OC said when he's gone, SP Coy will be the most boring place on earth because he's "the 2nd most flamboyant person around after Greg." Haha. Right. This is nice, I'm not only "gregarious", I'm also "flamboyant." Hmm... Perhaps the road rage, late nights, heavy smoking and erratic antics in camp contributed to this. That's Gayboy in the picture below. Note how he has a hot fuschia shirt on. It excites me. (Sorry Babs. I have to be honest with my feelings.)

It is Xmas Eve. WHAT THE F*** AM I DOING AT HOME WRITING A BLOG????? By the way, my buddy Kenny (see Fig. 2 below) says that you should NEVER, I say again, NEVER, say "Ok I just blogged." Because it sounds like you just took a dump. Say it to yourself for a minute. "Ok I just blogged..... ahhhhhhh............" DOESN'T IT? Well I didn't think so. So you can not think so too. You could also put that in the "Hold up gimme 5 mins I'm blogging." situation. It's easier than saying "Hold up gimme 5 mins I am writing in my blog." Woo.. what a mouthful.
Fig. 2:

Kenny I apologise for having a 1 year old picture. It seems we have not taken a picture of late.
Oh, and ladies, Kenny is a very nice young man who is proud of his vocation as a Storemando Officer. If you are interested to find out what that is, do let me know. I will hook you up with this witty, illiterate, very caring eligible bachelor. He saved my life when I almost chopped my finger off in Brunei and for that I am forever indebted. Contact me soon! Limited vacancies available!
Merry Christmas Everybody. =)
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