Crazy people don't know they're crazy. And I'm perfectly fine.

This blog was created out of complete boredom and psychosis. According to the School Sargeant Major (SSM) of the Officer Cadet School of the Singapore Armed Forces, 'psychosis' is characterized by 'a sudden rush of shit to the brain'. My Assistant-Wing Sargeant Major, however, calls it 'shitalitis'. Both describe the same thing.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Politically Incorrect

So, what is being politically incorrect? Derogatory terms, segretationist terms, genocidical thoughts? Is it the mentality that someone/some group is of a lower lifeform than yourself? Well, how about being elitist? Is that not being condescending towards others too? Is that politcally incorrect?

When you look at someone, and think to yourself: faggot, loser, whore, weird, wacko, hippie, asshole, bitch, etc. you come to a juncture where you stop thinking and start becoming a faggot, loser, whore, weird, wacko, hippie, asshole, bitch etc. yourself. What you do not do, is become anything more than that because your mind closes off itself to understanding others, and becomes an egotistical self-conscious machine. This failure to accept corners you into your own little cage, which is labeled : BIGOT.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Oh California dreamin, on such a Winter's day

Taken outside the Pattee Library facing downtown. With my phone, hence the poor quality in color and focus.

Btw, I took this picture while driving thru NY on the way here. It's the things from MIB. Queenie Rox maybe you'd like to enlighten me on what these structures are called. They looked dilapidated as f*** though. Rusty iron structures with big flat tops that looked like they belonged somewhere out in the cornfields or tornado-ridden places, ready to be a hazard to the nearby community.

Monday, February 13, 2006

The Underappeciated

I was sitting in my religious studies class earlier, and my prof was talking about something... I can't remember what. But it's ok because it doesn't have anything to do with this post.

WHatever he was saying, I was thinking about war. And then I was thinking about soldiers. Soldiers in Iraq, OCS cadets training, men on duty. Whatever it is, they're out there right now doing something in the interest of their nations, and here we are sitting on our fat asses (ok, MY fat ass) in the aircon/heat, not worrying about terror or war or perpetrators or threats.

To be underappreciated is a shitty feeling. As much as people hate NS, it contributes to the feeling of security. When your time is up, and someone else is doing your job, think about it. If he wasn't there doing your job, and there was no Army/Armed Forces, you'd be f*cked. You wouldn't be in your chair thinking about what you should eat for lunch/dinner, or if you should play this game on your computer or that, but rather you'd be wondering if your house is gonna get hit by an RPG, or 7.62mm rounds, or if your country is gonna be invaded by the neighboring state. Would you lose your passport? Would you lose your citizenship? Would you lose your right to being a person? Would you lose your life?

Cheers to those who are serving their countries in the name of peace.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

The Quiet Mind

Central Stacks at the Library:

This picture was taken at about 1130hrs. I was looking for my book, and it just so happened that it was tucked away in an unlit aisle. Wtf right? The ceiling was just 2 inches above my head, and the aisles were about a foot wide apart. The perfect place for a murder to happen. CENTRE DAILY TIMES: Singaporean student killed while trying to find book on peace. F***! That would suck. I also heard over dinner that someone was actually killed there before. In the 70's or something. With an icepick. Think: Basic Instinct kinda ice pick.

So I wake up at 10, after sleeping at 4am, to go to the library. I wanted to borrow this book called "The Quiet Mind". Written by an ex-CIA agent who went all over Asia searching for inner peace. So far I'm at Chapter 3, which deals with ESP, and Thai Buddhism in the previous chapters. I think this religion shit is driving me nuts. It's making me search for 'enlightenment', 'liberation' or whatever you want to call that inner peace and oneness with the universe. I think it would be nice to see reality as it is, and not for what it appears to be. It would be good not to strive for material wants, but rather to be at peace with yourself instead of being stuck in the quest for 'happiness'.

Am I abandoning life as we know it? No, of course not. I'd just like to see the world in a different light. I am neither praising the existence or need for religion, nor condemning it, but rather intrigued by its words and motives/goals.

Question from marc (at 0245hrs +8 GMT): Do two extremes of a 'thing' need to exist in order for there to be a contrast between the two? eg. Good/bad

Comments anyone?

Saturday, February 04, 2006

The Hookah Lounge @ Nelson Hall

The 3 Fatties: Scotty (Vik's Roommate), Vik the fat f*ck himself, and Me the water retaining fatass.

Karan, who lives at Nelson and bought the Hookah.

Friday, February 03, 2006

An excuse

So the end of the study of Hinduism is here. For what I understand so far, the caste system is not a way of discrimiation, but merely a way of institutionalizing the division of labor. (Do correct me if I'm wrong here.) Each caste has its own specific purpose. The Brahmins to do their spiritual duties, Warriors to do their stuff, and so on and so forth.

When you do somthing, it produces Karma. But, the Karma it produces depends on the circumstance upon which the act was committed. Say you steal from a shop for thrills, that'll give you bad karma. On the other hand, if you steal from a shop to give to someone who is dying and in need of food, that might produce good Karma. (Don't quote me on this.) Basically, an action which does not go towards self/personal gratification either produces good Karma, or no Karma at all. By fulfilling your duty in which your caste was intended for, and if that is the only end in your mind, you would not be doing it out of self gain.

Karma = reincarnation. Reincarnation = bad. Bad because that means you have not attained "liberation." Liberation from the cycle of rebirth, which essentially puts your through numerous lifetimes of suffering, eg. death of relatives, friends, loved ones, and finally the self.

So, what is the purpose in your life?

What is 'existence' really about? Be born, be good, be good to others, live well, and then die. Every religion tries to explain that this lifetime is not the only one you live, but one of many, or just one of a few. What if there was no such thing. You were here just to... BE HERE. (And thereafter f*ck off)? Would it not be simpler to go experience life for what it were, and not have an explanation?

Is religion an excuse for existence?