Currently listening to: Junkie XL (JXL) remixes of some songs
So I was watching this movie the other night, one of those Channel 5 late night fillers. And there was a troubled teen/young adult being questioned by a psychologist. He's asked the question:
Psych: "Do you feel important?"
Kid: "Well... my parents love me. My friends too. I guess so."
Psych: "No, regardless of whether they do or not, do you feel important? Do you feel like you matter in the greater picture of things?"
Kid: "um.........."
Then last night, Marc and I went to see this:

It's about (sorry to be a spoiler but I doubt many of you are going to see it) these two suicide bombers and their last 48hrs on earth. Their mission screws up and out comes this wild chase for each other. And one of the guys meets the daughter of their national hero/martyr and they have some thing going on. But he decides to go bomb Israel anyways. Whenever she asks if they will meet again his answer is "God willing."
Putting faith aside, it's interesting to see how determined he is to carry out his mission. I suppose everyone has a purpose in life. What could it be and what will you do to make sure it's completed? Does money motivate you? Does the prospect of having children motivate you? Fast cars, big houses, living dangerously, getting hammered/high, solitude, being the best in your field, helping people etc..... what is it?