2nd Last Night Out in Singapore

So here's Dan, Lena and Me. I've known Dan for a while now.. I think almost 4 years? He's crazy. Runs 60 miles a week, is in Cross Country and Track.. and goes to school at Macalester in bumf*cknowhere Minnesotta. (Kofi Anan went to that school.) Went to prom with him with Bre n Mar and had the best prom in my life. I apologise for him looking pissed off cos.... he's tired man.
Lena on the other hand, goes to school in Berlin. She used to go SAS too but forsomereason decided to go to school in Germany, where her mom's from. Anyway what's really weird is I met her EXACTLY ONE YEAR AGO.... right across the street at Muddy Murphy's. If I can find the picture I'll put it up. (We were eating at Modesto's tonight.)
I don't think I'm coming back for summer.. Hmm.. so maybe I'll take the train around or some shit. Dan says it won't happen. Haha... I don't know. We'll see.
Anyways look what Manchi got me for Xmas. I actually got it on Xmas day itself but never really took a pic of it until I was packing today. Cute eh? It's a little embroidered pic on a face towel. "Something practical" =) I've never really had or used a face towel in my life, but hey why not for college?


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