To go, or not to go?
So in case you people didn't know, it says CTH on my dogtags. What's that? CTH. Catholic. But I haven't gone to church in like... two years almost? Last week didn't count cos it was a weekday Mass. But why haven't I gone in a million years? Well, let's start off by establishing the .... thing (I can't say for sure it's a FACT) that if you don't go to church on Sunday, it's a sin.
Don't go church on Sunday = sin.
Go on Sunday = no sin.
Go on Sunday because you have to and not because you want to = Sin? No sin?
I'm not saying Church is bad, or it's got a stranglehold on its followers. I'm just saying that people go because they have to. It's like "Let's just sacrifice 1 hr of our time a week so we don't go to hell." And how bout the rest of the week? I doubt 1hr a week offsets all the other bad things these people do. I'm no angel, but hey, I don't go pretending I am. Yes I have road rage, but I also try my best to spread some love. (If you don't believe me, go ask my Thambi Conversion Course champion Sashi. You can find him on my friendster page.)
So, why do I not go? I do want to go. But it's just plain boring? I hate singing songs. The priest summarizes the Gospel. Which anyone can do. It does not relate to daily life AT ALL. Can't we just go anytime we want? Um... yea sure why not, but then nobody would go right? Everyone would be like "But I pray at home, so I don't need to go to church."
Tonight, my grandma came to me and said "Greg you should go to church." And i was like "OK FINE......" But you see, if I went, I'd be one of those people I just described above. If I didn't, then I'd be letting her down. GAHHHHHHHHHHHH WHAT THE F*** DO YOU WANT ME TO DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As usual, I bailed on church. Ugh.
BTW I was watching K-Pax with my bro earlier on. If you haven't seen it you should. At the end of the movie, he goes "The universe collapses on itself, and then expands again, then collapses on itself, and then expands again. And when it expands again, everything will be as it is now. Every thing you do will be the same, every mistake you make, you will make again. So why not get it right this time round?"
I think karma is a funny thing. It tends to come round and bite you in the ass when you least expect it. So don't f*ck with people if you don't have to. I'm not saying to forgive people who've like stabbed you 50 times in the back if they're SERIOUS assholes. But yea, you know what I mean. And be nice. It's Xmas!! *cues "Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow"*

Adios. C'est 4am dans le matin.
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