It kicks in.
So I'm STILL packing my stuff up. Because I have so much stuff, the black duffel bag I used to lug my uniforms around in OCS isn't enough. Then out comes the ALICE Pack. Hmm... is it enough? I don't know. I'm thinking about getting another duffel bag but the airlines would probably fine me instead of charge me extra. "Where you goin' boy?? TO WAR??" Kenny says I should go to the air marshal and say "I have a bomb!! rigged to explode and litter the plane with clothes!! Muahahaha!!" But since I'm going to the States... that's not a very good idea. I don't wanna get shot at and arrested without having a reason that would require that course of action.

Speaking of Alice Pack. I realized that I am utilising my army stuff a LOT. This is WRONG. I say again, WRONG. Because you go to work every day wearing the same thing (and I mean, the SAME article of clothing) you forget how to mix and match. Kenny and I have determined that the SAF No.4 is the most versatile piece of clothing you could ever buy. (Babs this will thrill you.) The No.4 can be worn with boots, sandals, slippers, or track shoes. Depending on the activity. And, you can wear it long sleeved (for sleeping in bed, or rolling in the mud), or short sleeved (for occassions like ceremonies and lunch). You can wear it with a choice of 4 headwear accessories: namely your Helmet, your Beret, your Jockey Cap, or your Jungle Cap. Or you can just wear it without the headwear. I mean, the possibilities are ENDLESS!!! You could get little badges and tabs to further accessorize.

So you see, I am still very reliant on military equipment. The Silva Compass is to find my way around my room and my desk. Therestofthestuffisjustnonsenseandiwantedtowriteinpinkbecauseiamgay.
Before decided to write about all this army stuff, I was surfing on friendster and came across WeiHan's page. He had this picture here. (weihanimsosorryidonthaveyourpermissionbutidontcarehonestly.)

It brings back the memories of being in a nice-looking place but suffering like shiet. (Ok it's not as bad as SOF but it's bad enough alright?) And then that day comes when you're all happy, and you think it's the best thing that ever happened to you and you forget all that shit and punishement that happened over the past year.
Going to college isn't really like that. Well, I guess it was SUPPOSED to be like that. But. It isn't for me. Is it because of no expectations? So I retain this mood of... "ok yea whatever goes"... or is it because I'm getting pretty comfortable with living in Singapore? DID NS BRAINWASH ME??? MAybe it's cos I haven't been living at home for the past two years. So it's not THAT hard moving away from my room and all? Hmm... Although I'm quite disappointed that I can't say bye to everyone. Anyways it's not like I'm moving away for GOOD. There's still xmas and new year's. (To get away from the cold).
Hmm.. then lately I've been thinking about WHY I'm going to the States too. I mean, it's not like you get a better EDUCATION for sure. Sure, it's a good experience, meet new people, see more places. Things like that. Live outside alone for a while, see how miserable you really get when you're A L O N E. Hmm... I don't know. Any idea?
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