The mind of the young and foolish

I think this picture is rather overdue but hey, what the heck right. Go for it.
So anyways. Now I know why everyone is so happy to go to college. Cos your parents aren't nagging anymore. I don't know what the f*ck they want sometimes, seriously. (Manchi I feel your pain.) For the past year it's just hanging out with friends, and then going to the office, driving to lunch, to dinner, to the movies, back to camp to sleep.. blah blah blah. Never had to ask for money, never had to worry about what time I went to bed, or what I did, or what I bought. Blah blah. So my dad's really supportive of the US education system, but thinks the mentality is kinda fucked up. I dunno... I really don't give a f*ck about a lot of things I think. I mean, keep an open mind right? Respect people's opinion and accept them for who they are. hmm.. Oh well. So much contradictory stuff he's saying and it's driving me nuts.
Anyways it's 5am again. gonna go back to sleep.
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