My awesome shitty ass room =)

So that's my desk. Looks about the same as the one I have at home. MESSY. hahaha.. Organized mess. =) That's the way it should be. There is order in chaos. Always. If you need me to, I can help you with your room anytime. 1800-FOR-GREG.
In light of my previous post about frats and stuff, Jamie asked me what I wanted out of college, if not partying and all that shit? I sorta discovered that yesterday. I was walking back from class with a friend, Vik, and we saw the tennis courts. He plays, I don't. But he was like "Dude you wanna play? I'll teach you." So we got some tennis rackets from the gym (how awesome, they loan out equipment) and headed to the courts for an hour. Good workout. Then on the way back, there were planes flying in the sky, leaving white trails against the clear blue. And then right behind that was a full moon. BEAUTIFUL. And thus, my question was answered. You don't come halfway around the world to get smashed every weekend. You can do that at home man. Or... whenever you want. I think I came here to learn new things, see some sights, meet new people, relax and get away from the hectic-ness of Singapore. If you think I'm an old boring fart, go right ahead. It's all good. I'lljusthuntyoudownwhenIgetmygunlicence.
Btw Jamie is my dad's friend's daughter. I can't remember if I've mentioned her previously. But we were at the airport on New Year's Day, and just as we're checking in, my parents see an old classmate from VJC. Imagine that, a classmate from 30 years ago. So he asks where we're going, and my dad says Penn State. And his friend goes "OH! I just sent my daughter there this fall!!" NO WAY. So my mom gives me her email, so when I get here I'm not a lost sheep. I get over here, email her, she emails back, and ta-da, we finally meet up. The funniest thing is, she told me that her roommates were like "What if he's really short and ugly??" and freaked her out. Good to know that's not what she thinks of me. So yes, that's Jamie.
Anyways here's another picture of my awesome tiny room.

ps. It's not messy. It's "lived in". The new look for 2006. (added in after some thought on a boring Saturday night.)
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