SPB in Wal*Mart
Ok. So we're at WalMart. I'm sitting there for an HOUR waiting for my dad to finish shopping. I'm wondering if he got arrested or something. Anyways.. it's weird how I feel a lot more comfortable here in the States than in Australia, or NZ, or something ya know? I think it's gotta do with being in SAS and having lotsa white friends. It's all good.
Something else also came to mind. Like .... I haven't been here for long. And I'm hanging out with my dad quite a bit. He's quite unconventional (and funny too, if you've met him), and most of the time he doesn't give a f*ck about the rules. I mean, as long as you don't break the law and end up in jail, it's all good. So we're parking, and I'm like "Pa we're at this .. restricted zone", and feeling all uncomfortable cos I don't want the car to get clamped or get a ticket for no f*cking reason right??? I mean. DUDE we've only been here a WEEK. But my dad, like he is, doesn't give a flying sh*t. =) We come back and the car's as it was. Hmm.. Sometimes it embarasses me. Haha..so now I know how you people feel when I'm out with you guys and I absolutely don't give a sh*t. Like.. hmm.. the places I park... the places I cross the road.. all those unorthodox things. You know what I mean (haha Dar you know what I mean.) So yea.. I know how you guys feel. Hmm.. i apologise.
I think it keeps things fun though, to be really random and unconventional. Honestly, right?
Mm... Oh yea ... Manchi wanted a white Xmas. When I got here it wasn't snowing, so I told her that Xmas is 12 days so there's still time. And I really regret saying that. I woke up, and this is what I got:

Yea sure it looks nice, but scraping the ice off the windshield so you can actually SEE when you drive.... took like 10 mins. What the. And it's STILL snowing right now. So.... um... yea.. today was cold. like.. 25 degrees Farenheit? Hmm.. go figure.
Also, if you guys didn't know, I'm a self-professed SPB. Sarong Party Boy. So at Wal Mart I was like.. in heaven. Tall, blonde chicks around everywhere. Every corner you turn, you see a blonde chick. Simply awesome. Now to find someone in my class who's like that. Hur Hur. =)
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