Julie's 21st
So... another night out at the bars. um... yea. We went to this place called the Phyrst. It's pretty neat. Nice little Irish place. But again, I was the only... I say again, the ONLY chinese kid in the whole place. Just like Shandygaff. 1 Asian, 2 Black peoeple, and ... there's your minority for ya! Haha.. Marc asked me how I felt about that. I guess "underrepresented" would be a good answer, but I thought it was rather unique. Haha.. I mean, I don't know where all the asian kids go, but hey it's pretty fun being the only asian kid. At least you're different. So.. .yea.
Anyway, who's Julie? She's a friend of Leigh Anne's. And she goes to school at the best school on earth. PENN STATE! Very nice n sweet girl.
Julie n Me:

And this is Kelli:

Dancing it up with Danielle:

So yea.. the night was good. Only that I wanted to kill this fucking sleazebag who was trying to grind up against the girls. He kept fuckin moving closer n closer, and the girls were like "GREG! STOP HIM!" and so I tried. When he finally figured out what I was doing, he started elbowing me in the side/ribs. Thank god we left, cos it was 5 mins to the closing of the bar, otherwise I would've ACCT-ed his ass to bits. Fuckin whorebag.
By the way. I also figured out that I can't sleep well after drinking. So I went to sleep at 4, and woke up at 9, and called up the driving range to see if they were open. THEY WERE! So I went. Playing golf in 5C weather is.... interesting. You don't break a sweat. And it's nice when the sun's out. But if you're in the shade and the wind blows, it's cold. Wtf.
oh my fucking god.
you are having such a great time in america!
i bet you are not even thinking about singapore right now.
so how? found any influential rich people there? pls intro.
i can sell my soul for 1 million dollars, just like demi moore in indecent proposal.
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