Crazy people don't know they're crazy. And I'm perfectly fine.

This blog was created out of complete boredom and psychosis. According to the School Sargeant Major (SSM) of the Officer Cadet School of the Singapore Armed Forces, 'psychosis' is characterized by 'a sudden rush of shit to the brain'. My Assistant-Wing Sargeant Major, however, calls it 'shitalitis'. Both describe the same thing.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Cynicism: A defense mechanism?

So I have this person in one of my classes who engages in all the discussions that come up. The comments/opinions are intelligent, and generate more discussion. But what comes to mind is how one can have so much to say about everything, and takes such a cynical and sarcastic view of the world. The phrases never fail to have a tinge of disdain, and the fluctuations in enunciation paint a perfect picture of mockery at its finest.

I must say, that this person would not be considered "generally attractive", nor "slim". So is this just a defense mechanism? To use intelligence to make up for whatever he/she feels that he/she is lacking in terms of aesthetics? And also to twist those words around and project unsatisfaction on others, in a pre-emptive way, and not get hurt/attacked?

I'm not stating that all cynics have low self esteem. There certainly are those who do it for comedy/humor, and certainly feel like they're in control of things. But those who aren't doing it for fun? Those who have become habituated to answer with a play on words, with a sharp tongue?

Monday, September 11, 2006

ABC family

That is my favorite channel. I watched the Gilmore Girls again today after a long summer without those fine young ladies and I totally forgot how much I love Lorelai and want to marry her.

ABC rocks too.
Sep 14: Grey's Anatomy
Sep 17: Desperate Housewives
Sep 19: Boston Legal
Sep 27: LOST


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

More Pix from Up North

An old building down by the water:

The Canadian side of Niagara:

The US side of Niagara:

Crazy bird display down at the Royal Ontario Museum:

Cool ass tiger display:

Ok so anyways just when I got back, Anna asked me to go to Canada.... cos it was her sister's bf's 21st birthday. (Jakub in the last post.) And her sis decided to surpirse him by taking him to the airport and not telling him where they were going. We end up going to Toronto. The other friends supposed to go all bail, so I was like some kinda backup. haha.. actually not really. Just someone they haven't seen for a while and would be good to be on the trip. So yea, we drive up thru NY state, etc etc. End up at Buffalo, NY, in just under 4 hrs. And all this was driving at a legal speed too. Then we cross the border (which is surpringly relaxed. nothing like the fucking causeway.) and fly on down to Toronto at 140km/h. Sweet shit. Canada is the weirdest country on earth. It's massive and has nobody. No cops, no people. Then we get to the pirate ship, and detour to take pix of it. blah blah... drivei nto Toronto. Have lunch, drink, then sleep from 8pm to 4am.

Where we drive to Niagara. Now this is one beautiful place. Guys, if you ever take your gf there, take here there at dawn. like 6am. that's exactly what we did. no one there, no cars nothing. All you can hear is the sheer craziness of the water, and the cool morning air. (more like COLD but anyways.) Uh.... yea. Then we took the Maid of the Mist thingy and drove into the falls. Which was insane. I don't know how David Copperfield did it. That crazy bastard.

Then.... blah blah blah. We didn't go see the CN tower cos that's just too uber touristy. After that we went to Archeo, which is this little Italian place with great food and wine in the Distillery District (Adriel, Loke, go check it out.) Then got drunk at night and came back to the states.

Drive thru National Parks if you can. It costs like 5 bucks or something but is definitly worth the money. Just think of it as toll.

Ok i can't think of anything else to type cos it's been a pretty intense week. Enjoy.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

O Canada

So I get back at like.. 6pm on Wed afternoon. And I get a msg on AIM from Anna. She's a girl I dated when I lived in China. Anyways, her question is "What are you doing for Labor Day?" My reply is "Nothing." Which I guess, was a good reply cos she drove 7hrs from Connecticut to PA, and then from PA I took over the wheel and drove 7hrs to Toronto for the weekend. How fucking crazy is that?

I will edit this post later to tell you what the fuck happened. But here are pix for now.

Me driving a VW Jetta/Bora for fucking 14 hrs:

Random shipwreck by the Lake. (It looks like the ocean. I thought it was too.):

Niagara Falls with Jakub and Anna:

CN Tower in the morning:

CN Tower at night + the view from my hotel room:

My New Address

Aights guys,

I'm back in PA and my address is:

615 Hartranft Hall
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802

Yup. Uh.. so if you wanna send me some love do go ahead. It's mad boring here.