So, Boston Boston. wtf.... Let's start w/the bus ride.
Bus rides are for two kinds of people.
1. College kids (poor ones)
2. Weirdos.
So my trip itinerary runs something like this:
State College >> Harrisburg
Harrisburg>> Philly (with a stop in King of fucking bumfucknowhere Prussia)
Philly >> New York City
New York City >> Boston (stopping at Hartford, CT. and Worcester, MA.)
Then back vv.
My list of things to do were:
1. Visit the Samuel Adams Brewery (I didn't do)
2. Drink all 18 flavors of Sam Adams beer (didn't do either!)
3. Eat sushi (which i did)
4. Eat asian food (which i did)
5. Go clubbing (didn't do.)
So now.... I get on the bus at State College (THATS WHERE MY SCHOOL IS IN CASE YOU FUCKERS DIDN'T KNOW), and sit next to this girl. Leigh Anne. Really nice lady who's travelled lotsa places. Birthday's this friday.... WOO HOO! So I'll probably party it up w/her on St.Patrick's. What's really freaky is... her father is an LTC in the USMC. (Loo-te-nant-Ker-nal in the US Marine Corps). Fuck I'm never gonna get away from the army man.. I swear. It's gonna haunt me for life.
She gets off at Harrisburg. Then some other kids get on. Blah blah.... So I see this redneck looking guy. Baseball cap, leather jacket, moustache. Smells of beer. I find out that he's a fireman and he worked at Ground Zero from the 12th to the 26th, digging people outta the rubble in NY. Not bad. We get to fucking Philly at 11:25pm, and I find out my bus to NY left TEN MINUTES AGO! FUCKERS!!!! And I look around yea..... I'M THE ONLY CHINESE FELLOW in the whole damn bus station. WTF?! I was in.... THE HOOD. At midnight too! But the fireman dude was real nice. He knew the city and went out n got me a sub. Thank god. He even offered me a beer. WOO!!!
And since the bus was late, Greyhound got us a special crazy express service to NY, driven by this lady called Andrea. Normally, the drivers go "ladies and gentlemen, no smoking or alcohol on the bus, blah blah blah thank you for riding Greyhound." But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, this lady goes "Wassup ladies n gentlemen, Good morning. My name is Andrea and I will be driving you guys to NY today. First of all, this bus has rules. Just like everywhere. There will be no drinking on this bus. I do not drink and drive, so you do not drink and ride. Next, there will be no smoking of anything on this bus, no cigarettes or any other stuff. Those two things will take you from being a passenger to a pedestrian real fast. Next, no cellphone use. If you must, speak silenty, we don't wanna hear about your whole life. That, will make you a hitchhiker in no time. If it gets too hot in the bus, take your jacket off. If it gets too cold, put it back on. If you must speak to me, you can come up to the front. But before you do that, let me know so you don't scare the bejeezers out of me. This is for the safetey of all passengers. Thank you." And she flies down the interstate at like 90mph or something, cos we get to NY 45 mins ahead of schedule.
After NY, I take the fucking bus to Boston and ta-da!