I had actually written this on Dec 29 2005, published it, and let someone read it. But she said it was stereotypical and would incite a lot of hate. Hmm. But who gives a f*ck. Then I let Babs read it and she said it was good. Somehow I trust her judgement. Haha. Um... so here it is. Just my thoughts, that's all.
First thing's first. I had another "GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH imboredouttamymind" day. I think it's because I'm still sick. And also because my upper left jaw is hurting. I went and got my half-fallen out tooth fixed, finaly -after like a month?? And it was BAD. I got a jab, so kudos to the person who invented anasthetic. Then came the drills and grinding things to like, remove all the junk in there. My uncle (the dentist) then said "I gotta put a screw in there." (Have you ever heard of screws in your TEETH?? I mean, bones yea, but... teeth?) So anyways yea I got a screw put in to hold the new part (it's spick and span nice n white) to the existing non-fallen-out part. BEAUTIFUL. Didn't hurt one bit. But today... Ugh... felt like someone socked me real good in my right cheek.
After a quick nap and some deliberation (because Wallace and f*ckin Gromit doesn't show past 4pm today) I decided to take a bus down to town to meet Marc. Marc is an interesting guy. He likes to bust out questions at 2 in the freaking morning asking me if I am financially content right now, or ..... you know, something along those lines. But talking to him is good, because he offers valid opinions and mind-um...... oh yea, mentally stimulating questions.
So, point #1 tonight: Don't you think people in the age group of 16-18, 20-21, and 24 are just so different? In terms of their mentality, dressing, behaviour etc. Yes. 16-18 = Ho ho I'm the king/queen of students cos I'm the oldest f*ck around. Then the girls to off to university and get a reality check. The guys, then go off to NS and get their own reality check. Then you start partying hard, (if you didn't when you were 16-18), start getting your licence, driving, meeting friends at 2am for prata... etc. Then you come to 24, guys buy shirts, go to work, chicks buy shirts too (blouses, pardon me) and look hot in collars. And that's the real rality check when you gotta start paying for rent, and basically your whole life.
Point #2. Why I cannot find a Singaporean girlfriend. I've known to myself and said time and time again that you should always date someone of the same economic standing. I know that sounds really freaking shallow, but hey, in times like these, people generally enjoy the same things, have the same outlook, blah blah blah "same" shit ya know? (Yes there are exceptions when people have the same stuff (goals, outlooks, beliefs etc) in life but are of different social standings. Then Marc said that the school you go to, the way you're brought up, shapes your mentality, and perhaps I just choose not to accept the mentality of the Singapore Girl? Before he mentioned this, I said that a lot of girls I meet are only interested in shopping, movies, clubbing, bitching, shopping, movies, clubbing, bitching, shoppingmoviesclubbingbitching. Apparently they're simple people to please. I don't know. I don't want a girl calling me up when I'm asleep, bitching to me about some girl who stared at her while she was at Zouk and how she's really pissed about it. Seriously. You have better things to do than care about that. Maybe she was a lesbian and thought you were hot. Get over it. I also don't care if your best friend's 'enemy' had a boob job and now thinks she's hot sh*t. I don't. So, going back to the school/mentality thing, I think I appreciate girls who have an interest in something. See, I'm not a follower, nor will I ever be. So if you're interested in fashion, hey, be a designer or have your own style. If you like movies, make one? It doesn't matter whether it turns out good or bad, at least you tried? Be yourself, because that is who you are, not because you wanna be a social nonconformist or anything along those lines. SAS was filled with drama, but who gives a flying f*ck. You're only part of it because you allow yourself to be.
I think I'm meeting the wrong women. *shakes head*
*I would like to add that my best friend Ruoxi is an exception to the abovementioned, added at her request.
*Manchi is also an exception to the abovementioned, also added at her request.
(You can tell I grovel at women's feet.)